Thursday 31 July 2014

End of Day 6 ( or 5??) Thursday

Today after the hike its been another day of activities at Tolmers, the Scouts have taken part in a campfire, done Raftbuilding, Swimming, laser tag, human table football, rope-aphobia, land zorbs, aeroball, zip line, slippery slope and probably a few other things as well.
 Tomorrow is the last day of activities on camp.

Ive mananged to get a few videos on youtube which you can view here one of which is currently uploading.

back on camp

hot chocolate then bed


scouts at the tolmers campfire



thai green curry with rice

some thursday activities

laser tag2

laser tag



there off on activities this morning, raftbuilding, human table football, swimming laser tag aeroball


just had breakfast, waiting to enter flag break circle, and activity sign up

Wednesday 30 July 2014

End of Day - Wednesday 30th July

Today the scouts have been on an incident hike, roughlky 8 miles in length round the surrounding rural countryside of Tolmers/Cuffley/Potters bar.
 As usual hte day started with Falg Break, then instructions for the hike.
 The Scouts went out in groups of 4-8 and all of them successfuly navigated the route with no problem.
 As for the leaders, we were out helping with various parts of the hike, some of us were running a base, some were at the cam exit pointing the various groups of Scouts up the path behind the campsite, and Some of us ( such as myslef ) were out on the hike performing sweeper dutys, following the last groups and stragglers and making sure that thye made it to the next checkpoint.
 There were also Tolmers crew out and about just in case anyone got realy lost, or there were any injuries etc. as far as i know there were neither.
 more tommorow, back to general activities.


one of the things on tonight, a visit from a local animal/reptile place

hike teams back

both teams back on site



just met both teams all ok


the scouts are out in two teams,on the incident hike walking from base where there will be various activities and challenges to complete in a competition type event.
the leaders will be out soon as well as we are on sweep up, following behind, scooping up any slow or lost scouts.

YouTube video

New YouTube video uploaded

camp cat

this morning

just about to go to the flag, today's activity is the tolmers incident hike the scouts are all out on a hike going from checkpoint to checkpoint, taking part in various activities on the way involving various challenges.


washing up after breakfast

Tuesday 29 July 2014

cooking tea

medeteranian chicken with veg


the scouts are on activities, and I'm re-stocking

New YouTube video

rope a phobia

rope a phobia 1

activity photos

backwoods cooking

Tolmers Facebook page

Take a look at Tolmers facebook page for even more information on whats going on

Todays activitys

The sun is shining and the Scouts have all gone off on activities today they have signed up for

  • Backwoods cooking
  • Coconut climbing
  • Bungee run
  • Splash pool
  • Caving
  • Tunnels
  • Rope-a phobia
  • Air Riffles
  • Fire lighting
  • Rafting
  • Canoeing

activity sign up

there somewhere in here signing up for activities

flag break

flag break


the sun is shining, and we're at the flag pole for flag break/activity sign up

Monday 28 July 2014

that's it for tonight

scouts are all asleep, since 11pm more Tommorow


evening activities, most of the Scouts are in the cinema marquee watching the lego movie, and some are sat round the future back at camp playing cards.
And we've escaped the storms that have effected the south east (so far)

A few bits from this morning

Just seen the news about heavy rain/storms etc in the South East, fortunately so far they have missed  us here at Tolmers-  it started off a bit wet, but the rain soon cleared, at the moment its still warm, mostly sunny with just the odd light shower - not even enough to make it worth putting a jacket on.

A few photos and a  video from earlier today.
Zip line and Quad bikes:

Activity sign up

New Youtube video, front of the second half of the queue line for activity sign up Activity's today include
  • Rafting
  • Air rifles
  • Quad bikes
  • trip out to a swimming pool
  • Backwoods cooking
  • Trailer caving
  • Zip wire
  • Giant Slide
  • Crazy Golf
And tonight for tea its Chili con carne with Rice + bakewell tart+Custard

just now


just had breakfast now the scouts are in the activity sign up queue / flag break queu

Sunday 27 July 2014

end of day

Thats about it for tonight, the scouts have all gone quite and are off to bed, tomorrow sees another day pf activities, breakfast from 7:30, flag break and activity sign up from 8:30.
 Tommorow for breakfast its bacon, egg and beans+cereal, sandwiches for lunch, and for tea its Chilli con carne and rice.

Activities over for another day

Scouts currently sat round the fire at camp

tonight for tea

chiken in creamy mushroom sauce and fresh fruit salad, will be eating soon

youtube video link

New YouTube video added

the rock, see YouTube channel for more

And there off

The Scouts have just gone out on activities, were just back at  the main campsite enjoying the peace for now.
 Some of the activities that they are taking part in today are:
  •  The Rock ( indoor moving climbing wall )
  • Gladiators
  • Tunnels
  • Splash pool
  • canoeing
  • Quad bikes
  • Water wars
  • Archery
  • Laser Tag
  • Air rifles
  • Trampolining
The Activity sessions are
AM Session 1 10:00-11:15, AM session 2 11:45-13:00
Lunch 13:00-14:00
PM Session1 14:00-15:15 PM Session 2 15:45-17:00

possibly a few photos later and maybe video on youtube

another one from the morning


just had breakfast, flag break que line and activity sign up

Friday 18 July 2014

Coming soon, updates live from Tolmers - and possibly a few test posts in between