Saturday 28 July 2012

Lost property - Euro hike Camp map/roll mat

Eurohike sleeping mat/self/semi inflating mat was left behind at the Scout hut earlier today (Saturday 28th) if its yours, or you know whos it is please get in touch so it can be re-united with its owner thanks.

Due back

The minibus is due back  just before 3pm about 2:50

That's all folks (well almost)

The sites clear all the kits packed up and the minibus is on the road, set off at 12:30 next stop Melbourne where we may need a hand unloading. The journey takes roughly 2 - 2.5 hours.

Washing up

That's about it, the Scouts are just doing a bit of washing up then the tents will start coming down and the big clear up begins, so far it's sunny but not quite as for as it haar been previously.



Friday 27 July 2012

End of day 6

They are now all back on camp, and going to bed, as its the last night on camp some of them are sleeping outside.
 Tomorrow we will have to take all the tents down and leave the site as we found it, the minibus is due to pick us up at 12pm at the moment we are still due back at around 3pm, although this may change due to traffic.
 Once back at Melbourne it will then be a case of putting all the kit away, any help with this will be greatly appreciated.
 if ( and we hope that its not) its wet all the tents will have to be put out/up to dry usually by laying them up inside the main hall in the Scout hut  ( and any more of the space inside ), as the nursery, puddleducks  have finished for the summer the building will thankfuly be free. again we will appreciate any help with this task.

More tomorrow all being well...

Hot chocolate

After the disco, there all back, next Bed.

Disco photo



The Scouts are all at the disco, just going to do a quick look to see what they are up to

Olympic opening

Shown at tolmers

Evening activites

There now at the disco, most of them will  be staying there, some will be going to one of the huts, where they are showing the olympic opening ceremony (one of the scouts still wants it recording though )  - more later....

Closing flag down song

Waiting for flag.down/closing and disco

Friday afternoon

So far today its still sunny, with a bit of cloud taking the edge off the heat slightly.
 most of the scouts are on the last few bits of activitys, and tonight for tea its fish and chips, after that its the end of camp disco, and as some of the Scouts have discovered some of the guides camped nearby things could be amusing, so far they have been trying to impress them by doing things such as eating worms or so they say(?) but im not too sure they ( our Scouts) are impressing them that much.
 We will be keeping a close eye on things at the disco tonight.

At the moment...

Scouts are on the firelighting activity, the sun is shining, and tonight it's fish and chips from the local takeaway for tea
*edit * firefighting changed to firelighting



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Fire lighting


Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

A few photos from this morning

A few photos attached if it works
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Test using blog Android app

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

Thursday 26 July 2012

End of day 5

Back on site and a busy day, the Scouts have been on activities all day, and in between resting out of the sun.
Tomorrow its our final full day of activities, more later socket layer error permitting.
here are a few photos from today, uploaded using alternative means

Secure socket layer error ??

Not quite sure what this means, but until i find out i cant update the blog via my phone.



Wednesday 25 July 2012

End of day 4

All quite now, and the scouts are all in their tents, tomorow brings another day of activities at tolmers, and more hot weather and sunshine is forcast.
Todays trip to southend went well, we met the scouts at 12:30 for lunch, some of them had tried to go to the sea at low tide, which involved a long walk across mud/sand, and the leaders went on the pier train to the end of the pier ( over a mile long) and then back again after a short look at the end of the pier.
After breifly meeting up we then gave them some free time,and met up again at 4:30 in order to make the bus at 5pm to take us back to camp, due to traffic this journey took over 1 1/2 hours.

so for today thats that - more tomorrow ( and another trip to tesco at potters bar for food supplies )

Almost end of day 4

Wednesday evening at camp, and all is to be quite soon, the scouts are all still up up and about and talking to some other scouts and a few other girls about, they are well within earshot, and i dont think they are impressing the girls that well, more later.

Evening meal

Just had sheppards pie photo shows it being cooked.

Too much for Steven,

Fast asleep, but Daves still awake

Bus back from Southend

Currently on the bus back to camp

Daves fund the penny pushers


Spotted,in Southend

And they also have sandwiches.

Somewhere on the m25

On the bus

On the bus

We are now all on the bus to South end, more later.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

End of day 4

Its been yet another hot day here at tolmers, most of the Scouts hve been swimming today ( so at least they should be clean ) and those that havent have been told to use the shower facilites on site.
ive been to the local tesco for a food shop, that will last until Thursday, so far on camp they have been eating....
Cooked breakfasts on Sunday and monday morning, and continental breakfasts there after.
and for evening meals we have had:
stewed mince +veg+apple pies
Chicken satay stir fry with egg noodles+ yogurt as desert
chilie con carne and rice+ apple pie and custard
chicken in a mushroom sauce potatoes and veg+ fresh fruit salad and cream
and tommorow its Shepards pie and rice pudding

Tommorow brings a slight change in scenery with a trip for all of us to South end on Sea for the day.

and there off

They have just gone off for their activities and today they are doing Archery, Air rifles and this afternoon they are all off on an off site trip to a swimming pool, and i will be off to tesco.

Waiting for activity's to start

while waiting the Scouts are playing cards, activities start in a few minutes.


A few photos,.breakfast and activity que/flag break

Monday 23 July 2012

End of day 3

Another warm day, and tomorrow is supposed to be warmer still.
its now 11:30 and most ( but not all) the scouts are beginning to quieten down.
Tommorow brings another day of activities, and for me a trip out to Tesco to top up on supplies in the afternoon. below a few photos from earlier - a view of our camp area and one of the scouts washing up after the evening meal

Video - moving climbing wall

Afternoon session 2

The sun is still shining,and the weather is hot, so were making sure that everyone has had plenty to drink, they have just gone out for this afternoons activities- most of which are in the shade.
 all being well there will be some photos of those later.

A.few photos

From this morning and just now.

Monday morning

so far, weve had breakfast, washed up, and then flag break, wher the Scouts signed up for todays activies,

most of them are on the same activites oday with the giant slide this morning ( see photo) inflatable assault course, then this after noon Air riffles, and a mixture of the indoor climbing wall, gladiators, and bungee trampolining.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Busy day - end of day 2

Thats the end of day 2, i was hoping to get a few more photos up earlier today but that was not to be.

 So far the scouts have been off on various activities ranging from various ninflatable games + challenges ( demolition ball) journalism, archery, backwoods cooking, and swimming ( offsite coach trip to hatfield. )
 After breakfast we went up to the flagpole where the Scouts then signed up for their activities for the day.
 these are split into four blocks, two sessions on the morning and two in the afternoon.
 Today the weather has been warm, and tommorow its forecast to be warmer still.
looking ahead, on Wednesday we are all going off on a trip to Southend on sea.

More tommorow - time, battery and internet connection permitting


So far we've had breakfast and the Scouts have all signed up for activities, which they have recently ask gone to

Saturday 21 July 2012

End of Day 1

Just had the first day at CTT 2012, after arriving we were shown our very wet/soggy camp area, and from ther on it was time to set up camp, however with pretty uch wall to wall sunshine the ground is drying rapidy and what was a soggy quagmire is now just a  little damp,
(picture above shows tents going up )
A few more days of sun and it will soon be completly dry.
 Tommorow morning we will be up at around 7am for breakfast, then at 8:30 the Scouts will be queing round the flag pole in order to sign up for the days actvities.
More later, so far we have told the Scouts to be back on site at 11pm, however they are already back, and begining to quiten down, and also despite the muddy conditions under foot, dave has not fallen over yet in the mud.

More later - tommorow battery life ( backed up with solar power) and internet conection permitting.

Setting up

Busy setTing up camp, more later tonight.


Now to find the site

Thursday 19 July 2012

Departure info

Just a quick reminder, we are leaving melbourne scout hq at 8am on Saturday morning, bring a packed lunch.

Monday 9 July 2012

Information and news from our 2012 summer camp come to Tolmers will be posted here